Our Programs & Services
Infant and Toddler Care
We at Grammies Daycare understand the importance of early childhood development. We pride ourselves in providing a safe and clean environment to help promote growth and independence in your infant and toddler. We consider these classrooms to be the foundation of the progression of learning in our center.

Pre-school 3, 4, and 5 year olds
Pre-school at Grammies Daycare encompasses all children from 3 to 5 years of age. We have acquired and maintained our accreditation in these classrooms. Our teachers are certified to teach the “Letter People” and “Scholastic” Curriculum which goes hand in hand with the Region 19 Headstart Program. Because we are privately owned, we are able to specialize our lessons for the children enrolled and focus on the individual child and their own personal success.
Before and After-school Care
Grammies Daycare offers services before and after school. We will safely transport your child(ren) from the daycare to and/ or from school. Our vans are well maintained, and our drivers undergo transportation and safety training annually. We ensure that every child is accounted for and is returned safely to the center. Full-day care is also available during school closures, such as fall break, spring break, etc.

Child and Adult Care Food Program
Our Meal program is governed by the Texas Department of Agriculture. We are trained and monitored by El Paso Human Services to ensure that each child receives delicious, high-quality meals.
These meals are the appropriate serving sizes for their age and visually pleasing and nutritious. All food served has a “Child Nutrition” label which certifies the ingredients and quality of the food.
Our cooks and all kitchen staff attain their food handlers certification to ensure all food safety measures. We provide all meals while your child attends and no cost. (Breakfast, Lunch, PM snack, and Dinner)
Tuition Assistance Program
Child Care Services is a tuition assistance program offered by Borderplex jobs YWCA. Upon financial qualification, the state will assist in tuition payments for your child. More information is available upon request. We are open to accept any assistance programs you may qualify for and will accommodate to the best of our ability.
- Enrollment dependent upon qualification
- School year 24/25 must be 3 years old as of 9/1/2024
- School year 25/26 must be 3 years old by 9/1/2025
- 25/26 enrollment starts June 1 2025
- View enrollment instructions PDF here
Certification and Accreditations
This program is an accreditation that only the most diligent and aspiring centers will obtain. While other centers operate under Texas Minimum Standards (Child Care Licensing, Health and Human Services) we strive for more. We currently have a Four-Star Rating which is the highest rating in Texas. This program monitors our classroom environment, teacher interaction, and teacher trainings. This ensures the highest quality of care and instruction.
This program is an intense training program for our teachers. This 3-year program certifies the teacher in their specific age group. Teachers undergo strict monitoring and training to ensure the highest standards of learning environment and interaction with children.
Smartcare is an interactive software that manages accounting, schedules, and family profile information. This program will allow you to pay tuition online, update personal information and keep track of your schedule and daycare usage. This program allows touchless sign in through a virtual kiosk and allows for mass communication.
Webcam Access
Our facilities have 16 installed webcams where you have direct access to viewing your child live from any device. This allows full transparency and provides peace of mind to any parent or guardian. Only authorized viewers are allowed access, and access protocols are changed to ensure safety. The Guardingvision app is easily downloaded on any compatible device.
If you have questions about our Programs and Services, you can reach us via phone and email on the Contact Us page. If you are interested in enrolling your child click the button below and send us a message to get the conversations started.